Posted in Ministry

Top ministry moments – #6: The big Christmas cantata

setFor many years our church’s music ministry has presented a special musical worship service during the seasons of Advent and Lent. A few years ago (2010), we went all out with a Christmas musical arranged by David Clydesdale “A Baby Changes Everything.” The production includes elaborate hand painted sets, lots of lines for actors and songs for soloists to learn, and a number of challenging pieces for the choir to learn. As part of a multi-age cast that met for many rehearsals, I had two solos of my own to learn, plus a narration. All our work was for just one night. By the grace of God we pulled it off. It was a night far beyond anything we had done before or have done since.

It centered around a world oblivious to the fulfillment of prophecies and birth of a Savior and those who discovered it as the angels appeared, the shepherds came to see and the wise men arrived. It speaks to our time, when we are often oblivious to our Lord and need to discover once again his ever-present gifts of grace.

It felt to me to be the perfect storm of cast, talent, script and song. Some of the cast have moved away, some have grown up, some are no longer involved, some can no longer sing. It won’t happen again, but it will always be a wonderful memory.

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