Posted in Grace, Ministry

VBS Energy

It’s been a week now since we finished up the annual Vacation Bible School at our church. As I reflect on those five nights, (we do a Sunday through Thursday evening program), I am once again impressed by the ministry energy and momentum generated by this effort.

This event pulls together nearly 100 volunteers from within and some from outside of our congregation, if you count the directors, station leaders, crew leaders, teachers, bakers, clerical help and donors. Those involved include most of our middle and high school youth along with young adults, parents, grandparents and seniors. Some who attended as children now serve in leadership. It is arguably the best fellowship and outreach we do all year, with the majority of children coming from outside of our congregation. Some in attendance deliberately vacation with grandparents the week of our VBS so they can attend!

The afterglow lasts for weeks. Old friendships are renewed and new ones forged. The songs play over and over in our heads. I can still hear the echoes of this year’s drums. Photo galleries and video clips flood Facebook pages. And rather than being exhausted when the week is over, we are energized. Before its over, we are already talking about next year. It is a week when we are at our best!

If only we could replicate this form of revival a few more times a year. In the fall, perhaps, as a new school year begins. Or after Christmas, when the busy holidays are past. I’m not sure what it would look like, but I know it would be very positive for our ministry.

I remember reading something in Henry Blackaby’s book Experiencing God about seeing where God is at work and then joining Him there. This is definitely one of those places to jump on board! I don’t know what it is about VBS week, but it is a rich blessing for us every single year.


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